Sunday, October 29, 2006

Basketball season

It's time for basketball here at Concordia Seminary!!
THe pre-season started at the end of this month, when the Seminary's team, namely, "Preachers" faced two opponents: Concordia University Selma, Alabama, and Concordia University Seward, Nebraska. THe Preachers lost both games, but they tried their hardest and it was a good game to watch. The games were held at the old fieldhouse here at Concordia, the Pederson Fieldhouse. The guys from Alabama were really good, even dunking some balls. The guys from Nebraska were good, but not as good as those from Alabama....
NOw they are going to play several teams, mostly other colleges, and also the team from

the other Seminary, in Fort Wayne.

You can read in the wall of the fieldhouse their motto: "Modest in victory - Gracious in defeat". They've been just gracious so far....

And also there is a picture of the Main Quad of the SEminary, especially the Luther Tower.

Colorful Fall

It's fall here in Saint Louis. The leaves are falling every day and cover up all campus. It's really beautiful looking around and seeing all the different colors in the trees that are withering: green, red, orange, light green, purple and even those which are still deeply green. The pictures are just a sample of the amazing view we have when we walk around campus. Isn't it just lovely?...Now I'm getting too romantic.....hehe
The picture with the fountain has in the background the poles with the American flag at the center, the Missourian flag at left (which looks like the Paraguayan flag..) and the Seminary's flag. In some of the pictures you can see that some trees are completely leafless!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Luther tower

  • Pictures from the Luther Tower!

    Unfortunately they were taken at night and not much can be seen...
    Those two guys in the picture have us got into the tower all the way to the top.
THere are also the bells inside the tower, a lot of them. Every once in a while the have bells concert here.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Walking around the neighborhood

Just wasting some time in the neighborhood...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Comemorando o aniversario com alguns amigos aqui do seminario. Fomos a um bar aqui nas redondezas. Eles me obrigaram a tomar a cerveja. Nao que eu queria..... Na ultima foto a galera cantando "If I had a million dollars..."